Championship Agreement Form
written by Matias Collins on March 22 of 2004 and read by 8586
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Soling Championship Agreement
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The International Soling Association request you to, complete and to agree with the following
Championship Agreement Contract in respect of the:
Name of the Event (known from now on as Event):
( Year & event name such as Soling World / European / Masters / North American / South
American Championship).
Guideline note 1:
This form should be completed at least twelve months prior to the Championship and
returned to the ISA Secretary:
Mr. Matias Collins
España 1262
San Isidro, Buenos Aires
Name of the Organizer (known from now on as Organizer), organizing the
event in conjunction with ISA:
The proposed dates are: ____________________________________________________
Guideline note 2:
Note: Dates should not clash with any established major Soling event or National
Championship and shall be final at least 8 months before the event and presented at the
previous ISA annual meeting by a representative of the fleet organizing the Event.
Contact Person (Chairperson) with ISA
The Organizer declares the person below and contact information for all communications
within ISA regarding the Championship organization.
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________
Mobile Phone: __________________________________________________________
Skype: ________________________________________________________________
Guideline note 3:
All communications between ISA and organizer must at least copy in the message the Soling
class administration office ( ), if not sent directly to the one for processing - recommended action.
National Authority Approval:
The Organizer declares that the Organizing Committee has the national authority's approval to run this Championship. If not state below reasons why you think you are able to organize
the Event.
Guideline note 4:
Since 2011 this is WS mandatory to all World Championship Events.
Name of Organising Club: ________________________________________________
Name of venue: ________________________________________________________
Soling Standard Rules:
The Organizer declares that they will use, follow and comply with The ISA Class Rules and declares to have read the latest Class Rules approved by ISAF, the latest Championship Rules and the latest standard documents as Standard Sailing Instructions and Standard Notice of
Races, all edited and approved by the ISA Committee and with whatever amendments are supplied by the ISA Office, in the organization of the above Championship.
The Organizer also declares that they will follow the timetable and guidelines suggested by this Agreement below and in most topics of this Agreement:
12 Months before the event or as soon as possible:
-The Organizer will forward this Agreement form, signed, to the ISA Office.
-The Organizer will provide enough information to create the Event website: Welcome letter, Venue and Yacht Club description, proposed entry fee, Event logo, Event final dates, surroundings pictures, Yacht Club pictures.
At least 6 months before the 1st racing day, or preferably earlier:
-The Organizer will submit a draft of the Notice of Race based on the Standard Sailing
Instructions for approval (ChR 5.1)
-The Organizer will submit the proposed names of the Jury for Approval (ChR 9.3), but can not invite any until ISA approval.
Guideline Note 5:
Jury & measurer expenses will be covered by the Organizer but the Jury and Measurer shall be approved by the ISA first. Organizer will contact ISA as early as possible with complete proposed Jury list.
\4 Months before the first race:
-The Organizer in conjunction with the ISA must have the NOR approved and published at the event website.
Guideline note 6: For championship promotion purpose it would be better to have this earlier.
-The Organizer shall submit any amendments to the Measurement Procedure (ChR 7.1 )
3 Months before the first race:
-The Organizer must submit the name of the Chief Measurer (ChR 7.1)
-The Organizer must submit the draft of the Sailing Instructions based on the Standard Sailing Instruction for approval (ChR 8.2)
4 Days before the last racing day:
-The Organizer must forward the Championship Fees to the ISA - through bank wire or
PayPal or give in hands cash in Euros in a previous established currency to the ISA representative at the Event (Treasurer, Secretary, President or Vice President), ISA will forward the invoice for that purpose.
During the racing days:
-The Organizer must forward by email the results including all crew names to the email in excel format or HTML, but not as an image or pdf.
Guideline note 7: Note that if ISA entry system is used, ISA will be able to send you the entry list with of the names, in excel format. Also data from the participants are all collected, and don't need to be requested again unless modifications are needed or information is missing, also an entry form for signature at the registration desk can be printed at the web without any extra work from organizer staff, neither from the competitor.
No later than 1 day after the event:
- The Organizer must email to WS ( ) and copy ISA ( ) the final results of the Event, including crew names
No later 1 month after the Event:
-The Organizer must submit a report to the ISA, including measurement report
Shore Facilities:
The organizer declares that the following facilities available on shore are available (Please acknowledge and make an observation below if any is not available)
Regatta office
Press office
Free Internet Connectivity ( room / wireless )
Changing / Shower facilities
Trailer park
Craning facilities
Capacity for _________ trailers
Measurement facilities:
The Organizer declares that the following measurement facilities are available (Please acknowledge and make an observation below if any is not available)
To provide indoor weighing facilities
To provide a calibrated weight of 1000 kg?
To provide a minimum of 7 volunteers to work together with the Class Chief Measurer
Additional shore facilities (complete if any):
On The Water Facilities:
The Organizer declares that the following facilities are available (Please cross and make any observations below if any is not available):
Race committee boat
Mark boats Number: _________________ Type: ________________
Rescue boats Number: _________________ Type: ________________
Spectator boats Number: __________
Jury boats Number: _________________ Type: ________________
(Please cross and make any observations below if any is not available):
The Organizer declares that accommodation is available near by the venue including any of
these: camping / hotels / bread & breakfasts / housing offered by sailors, etc.
And declares that the approximate cost for a twin room is ______ (indicate the currency)
The Organizer also declares that there is also accommodation available in the Clubhouse
and the cost of this accommodation would be: ______ (indicate the currency)
Course Area:
The Organizer declares that a 2 nautical mile circle diameter is available at the racing area
without substantial obstructions such as shipping channels, islands, rocks, shallow water, etc.
Please complete:
Maximum size available: _________ (nms) & Proximity to the shore: __________ (nms)
Weather conditions at proposed time of the year, including current:_____________________
Race management:
The Organizer declares that the following person will carry out the race management:
Also declares that the Principle Race Officer is an International Race Officer accordingly to WS and if not, please describe the experience of the proposed Principle Race Officer:
The following events summarise the experience in running Soling, or similar keelboat racing by this officer:
International Jury and Technical delegate
The Organizer declares that it will be able to provide travel, accommodation and subsistence for a minimum of 5 Judges with a minimum of 3 WS International Judges and one Class
Chief Measurer, names previously approved by the ISA as stated in the Championship rules.
Guideline note 8: The complete Jury Panel have to be approved by the ISA Championship Committee before their invitation (item 9 of the Championship Rules). Please send the proposed Jury members to the ISA before they are invited and no later than 6 months before the event start. And also note that the Jury and Measurer expenses must be covered by the organizer.
Results service:
The Organizer declares that it is able to supply daily in an excel sheet, text or html format the provisory results including all crew names, sail numbers and individual races preferably as the competitors come ashore. The Results will be forwarded to the class association by email to ( ) to be uploaded at .
All prizes to a boat/team with exception to those mentioned at the Championship Rules must be given to each individual of the team, and not only to the skipper.
Note: All Soling Class championships are OPEN events
Guideline note 9: With international competitors taking part at your championship, please, trophies don't need to be heavy, neither big or with a large volume.
Social Events:
The Organizer declares that will provide a minimum of three social events: the opening ceremony, the class dinner/ party and the closing ceremony. Please detail any extra social events planned for the Event:
Guideline note 10: If any special dinner will require special dressing, please advise this soon together with the Notice of Race.
Entry Fee:
The Organizer declares that a maximum entry fee of 650 Euros will be charged and including the International Soling Class Championship Fee of €75.00 per boat which should be remitted to the International Soling Association 4 days before the end of the Championship either by cash, PayPal or bank transfer. (The ISA recommends an amount in between 500-550 Euros for an event with 5 racing days, the maximum would be less for an event of 4 days.)
Guideline note 11: Teams competing to young trophies pay half of the entry fee and half of the Championship fee.
What is the entry fee you are proposing? _________ (please indicate currency)
What will this include? Example: craning and other facilities, what social events, etc.
The Organizer declares that will require competitors to have third part liability insurance accordingly to the ISA Championship Rules item 5.16 and if not stated in the Notice of Race it will mean that the organizer will provide a general third party liability insurance amongst sailors during the Event in the water and ashore in a similar range as stated in ISA Championship Rules item 5.16.
In case of individual third party liability insurance you will be able to arrange local insurance cover or amount extensions to those teams unable to obtain it at home? _____________
ISA Liaison Officer:
Amendments to any of the rules applying to the regatta must be approved and signed by the
ISA Liaison Officer appointed for the Event.
Guideline note 12: The appointment is made by the ISA committee at its annual meeting; the ISA Executive may change the name if necessary informing the Organizer otherwise the Organizer may check the name at the ISA minutes for the annual meeting held before the event.
Media Rights:
We the undersigned agree to make available to the Association any relevant photographs in high resolution format, videos or electronic data information of the competition in which they are partaking , free of charge, for Association promotion purposes, whiting the championship conclusion.
The Organizer declares that it will carry the cost of 120 Euros to run the championship website for the current event year that will have his own appropriate name (domain name) as follows: '' OR '' OR '' OR '' OR '' , which should be remitted to the International Soling Association 4 days before the end of the Championship either by cash, PayPal or bank transfer.
Guideline note 13: include this cost in the event budget. Please do not hesitate to contact ISA for budget questions or organizing doubts.
National Authority / Local District Support
Is there any additional support (financial or material) that the national authority or local district/region/council would give to the Event?
Please advise what assistance (including financial) you are able to give those competitors shipping boats from other continents:
ISA Membership:
The Organizer declares that it will verify starting and replacement competitors the ISA membership in accordance with Class Rule and that will collect €25.00 per person from any sailor failing to present proof of current membership (i.e. by not being able to present a membership card)
The Organizer declares that will verify that boats are in accordance with Class rule B.1.1 carrying their sticker and that will collect €45 from yacht representative from any boat failing to display the one.
We require ...........each spare stickers and .............membership cards, and agree to sell these to any members requiring them. (This might not be necessary if class representative attend to the event)
Sail Labels:
The Organizer declares that will collect from any yacht representative €40.00 per sail failing measurement due to Class Rule G.1.5 where all sails must carry an ISA sail label.
We require ___ spare sail labels and agree to sell these to any boat owners requiring them.
(This might not be necessary if class representative attend to the event)
Reimbursement to ISA:
The Organizer declares that it will reimburse ISA for any membership dues collected and sail labels sold at the championship. We will return any unused boat stickers, membership cards and sail labels after the championship.
Guideline note 14: This item in the Agreement is mostly not needed when an ISA officer is present at the event. But make sure no team can enter without their sticker glued in the boat and their ISA membership card under their names.
On behalf of the ____________________________________________Host Club/ National Class
Association, I confirm that we are prepared to guarantee the facilities and services as stated above and we are prepared, if selected to organise the 20____ Soling World / European / Masters / South American / North American Championship on behalf of the International Soling Association.
Date: _______________________________________________________________
Signed: ______________________________________________________________
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Position in Organisation: _______________________________________________
Organisation: ________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Tel: _________________________________Fax: ___________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________
Signed: _____________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________
Name: ______________________________________________________________
International Soling Class Association
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