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  International Soling Class

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NA Champs

SA Champs

Zipfer Trophy

Frienship Cup - League - Madrid

German Open - Leipzig


Pay attention paying your 2025 membership dues

Dear Soling sailor, pay attention paying your 2025 membership dues, note a new bank account has been set, the ISA on respects to funds now have a non-profit legal status, fees remains the same as 2024.
Request the information to the ISA office and or your National Soling Association.
Best winds,


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Past weekend news from South to North and crossing the Atlantic

After a frustrating start of season in Argentina, where only 1 boat managed to finish a fun long race as barbecue preparation for the night, team ARG 34 sailed by Nacho Padilla(15) with Alejandro C. Moore and Javier Padilla, while other 4 boats were scored DNF including now the two Warburg chiefs father and son sailing at different boats and the question will be who is going to be the sherif at the upcoming season. On Sunday usual windward / leeward races scheduled where abandoned after a 3hs wa ...  read more

Past weekend news from South to North and crossing the Atlantic

After a frustrating start of season in Argentina, where only 1 boat managed to finish a fun long race as barbecue preparation for the night, team ARG 34 sailed by Nacho Padilla(15) with Alejandro C. Moore and Javier Padilla, while other 4 boats were  ... read more


New German Soling regatta announced at Lake Cospuden in Leipzig

Finally, a new Soling event is online to take place on the Lake Cospuden in the south of Leipzig. From May 9th to May 11th, 2025, the Cospudener Yachtclub Markleeberg e.V. (CYCM) will host the first-ever Soling Regatta on the lake, bringing together some of the best Soling sailors from across Germany and beyond for an exciting series of races. The regatta promises to be a spectacular event for both participants and spectators, with Lake Cospuden providing a stunning view on the small but beautif ...  read more

New German Soling regatta announced at Lake Cospuden in Leipzig

Finally, a new Soling event is online to take place on the Lake Cospuden in the south of Leipzig. From May 9th to May 11th, 2025, the Cospudener Yachtclub Markleeberg e.V. (CYCM) will host the first-ever Soling Regatta on the lake, bringing together  ... read more


Kadu Bergenthal, Vilnei Goldmeier and Edgar Oppitz win again the International Friendship

The event in 2025 had eight (8) invited teams sailing over 6 boats lent by their owners. The new format of the event didn’t allow to use the hiking vests, a decision approved by all sailing the event. The racing had two round robins to qualify a total of 16 races where all teams sailed all boats, they were switching the ones at each race. Started on February 21st with 8 races and each team competing at 6 races. The race course was set in front of the Yacht Club and the first ro ...  read more

Kadu Bergenthal, Vilnei Goldmeier and Edgar Oppitz win again the International Friendship

The event in 2025 had eight (8) invited teams sailing over 6 boats lent by their owners. The new format of the event didn’t allow to use the hiking vests, a decision approved by all sailing the event. The racing had two round robins to qu ... read more


Happy Holidays Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo Áldott Karacsonyt es Boldog Újevet Vrolijk Kerstfeest en Gelukkig Nieuwjaar Feliz Natal e feliz ano novo ハッピーホリデー С Рождеством и Новым Г ...  read more

Happy Holidays Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo Ál ... read more


The Warburg name step strong in the Soling class

At past weekend the Argentine Championship, last ranked event of the year was concluded by the Club Nautico San Isidro, with a good attendance of 9 boats, one of them visitors from Uruguay (YCU), but more important more than 50% of the fleet were young sailors under 24 years old, mainly around 20. The event had six races in which three of them sailed with 15 to 20 knots of wind from the South, shifty and gusty and the last three of them with 9 to 13 knots in a lumpy and veering day from Sou ...  read more

The Warburg name step strong in the Soling class

At past weekend the Argentine Championship, last ranked event of the year was concluded by the Club Nautico San Isidro, with a good attendance of 9 boats, one of them visitors from Uruguay ( ... read more


First league event in Norway

Grimstad sailing organisation invited the Soling sailors this past weekend for Liga sailing. They had prepared three Solings for the visiting teams. 7 teams traveled to the area to face the event making a total of 21 sailors. Unfortunately, the weather changed compared from a week ago, where cold air came in dropping temperatures to 10 degrees and lower, but a breeze were present with 10+ knots and becoming quite windy, making sailing exciting. The racing format, new to the teams which us ...  read more

First league event in Norway

Grimstad sailing organisation invited the Soling sailors this past weekend for Liga sailing. They had prepared three Solings for the visiting teams. 7 teams traveled to the area to face the ... read more


William Bill Alexander Abbott - Chief
June 2nd, 1926 - November 15th, 2024

With sadness the International Soling Class announces the passing of our most famous and successful boat builder Bill Abbott Sr. also known as Chief. Our condolences to the family and our gratitude to know that his legacy not only will live with his loved ones, but also with many sailors who often jump into a Soling for weekend race , big event or just a sail around enjoying the boat itself, a legacy that goes beyond country borders and even oceans, since you will find an Abbott Soling in all  ...  read more

William Bill Alexander Abbott - Chief
June 2nd, 1926 - November 15th, 2024

With sadness the International Soling Class announces the passing of our most famous and successful boat builder Bill Abbott Sr. also known as Chief. Our condolences to the family and our gratitude to know that his legacy not only will live with hi ... read more

Regatta Date Venue Country ISA RK NOR Result
Dutch Open & Boterletter Championship Nov 30 to Dec 1 Rotterdam NED 1.2  
Argentine Championship Dec 13 to 15 Anchorena, CNSI, San Isidro ARG 1.2  
Friendship League Championship BRA - Q1 & Q2 Feb 21 to 21 VDS, Porto Alegre BRA   view full note
Friendship League Championship - Silver Race Feb 22 to 22 VDS, Porto Alegre BRA    
Friendship League Championship - Gold Race Feb 23 to 23 VDS, Porto Alegre BRA    
Soling Invitational Apr 4 to 6 MBYC, San Diego USA      
Campeonato Autonomico Apr 5 to 7 RCNM, Madrid SPA      
US Championship Apr 11 to 13 SSA, Annapolis USA 1.2 view full note  
South American Championship - SIL Apr 18 to 20 CNSI, San Isidro ARG 1.5    
Norwegian Championship May 3 to 4 GSF, Grimstad Seilforening NOR 1.2 view full note  
Copa Otono May 3 to 4 San Isidro ARG      
German Open - Leipzig Open May 9 to 11 CYCM, Cospudener See, Leipzig GER 1.2 view full note  
Copa de España May 9 to 11 RCNM, Madrid SPA 1.2    

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The big Pacific swell at the US Nationals in San Diego
Brian Collick - 28/04/2024



NA Champs
Soling book
Friendship league - Madrid
German Open

Soling book
