Castiglione della Pescaia, Club Velico Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy
From March 28th to April 3rd 2013
Download Notice of Race PDF version here
Organising authority
The organising authority is the International Soling Class (ISA) in conjunction with Club Velico Castiglione della Pescaia.
1. Rules
1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2 The prescriptions of the Italian National Authority will not apply.
1.3 The ISA Championship Rules will apply.
1.4 The following racing rules will be changed: 28.1, 32, 35, 42.3(c), 60.1(a), 61.3, 62.2, 66, A4, A11 and Race Signals AP and S. The changes will appear in full in the Sailing Instructions.
Rule 42.3(b) is modified by Soling Class Rule C.9.1:
As permitted by RRS 86.1( c ), RRS 42.3 ( c ) is altered to : Except on a beat to windward, when surfing (rapidly accelerating down the leeward side of a wave) or planing is possible ,the crew may pull the sheet controlling any sail in order to initiate surfing or planing, but not more than twice for each wave or gust of wind. In addition, pumping of the spinnaker guy is permitted at all times without restriction. In this part of the Rule " pumping of the spinnaker guy " means repeatedly trimming and releasing the guy by any means. Moving the body as necessary to pump the guy is permitted and shall not be considered to be ooching (see RRS 42.2 ( c )) , nor shall any rolling of the boat caused by such reasonably necessary movements be considered rocking (see RRS 42.2 (b).
1.5 Amendments to any of the rules applying to the regatta must be approved and signed by the ISA Liaison Officer appointed for the event.
2. Advertising category
Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.
3. Eligibility and entry
3.1 The regatta is open to all yachts of the International Soling Class as prescribed in Championship Rule 4 – Eligibility.
3.2 ISA Membership is obligatory for all crew members. Membership fees will be collected from any crew member failing to present proof of previously paid membership fee.
3.3 It is also required that all yachts entering display the ISA sticker for the current year. An additional amount will be collected from the helmsman or representative of any yacht not displaying the ISA sticker of the current year at the appropriate position.
3.4 Eligible boats may enter by completing the entry forms on the event website ( ) no later than March 8th 2013 and completing registration and payment of all fees.
4. Fees
The entry fee will be 450,00 euro and may be paid by cash, Bank Transfer to Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Club Velico Castiglione della Pescaia, IBAN: IT23Q0863672210000000350091 BIC: ICRAITRRHO0 The entry fee includes moorings, one crane in and one crane out, opening ceremony cocktail, gala dinner for three sailors/each boat (tickets available for guests), post race pasta, gadgets and the ISA Championship fee.
5. Registration
Registration will be open from March 28th from 10am to March 29th 6pm in the CVCP Regatta Office.
6. Schedule
6.1 Measurement and Inspection:
It will take place at Club Velico Castiglione della Pescaia on March 28th and March 29th 2013, from 10am to 18pm
6.2 Dates of Racing:
Date Races
Match 30 race 1 and 2
March 31 race 3 and 4
April 1st race 5 and 6
April 2nd race 7 and 8
April 3rd race 9
6.3 The first warning signal on March 30 will be at 1PM
7. Measurement
Yachts will be measured in accordance with ISA Championship Rule 7.0 Measuring and Class Rules 16 and 17. For a yacht to be eligible to race, her valid (the original or a copy of the original) Measurement Form shall be presented at the Race Office, and the helmsman must have satisfied all measurement and registration requirements as specified in this Notice of Race including the submission (at the completion of measurement) of properly completed measurement work sheets. If the Measurement Form cannot be produced before the first race, RRS 78.2 will be applied.
8. Sailing instructions
Sailing Instructions will be available at registration.
9. Course area
A chart showing the course area is attached.
10. The courses
Standard ISA Championship courses will be used.
11. Penalty system
11.1 The Two-Turns Penalty, rule 44.2, will apply.
11.2 An International Jury will be appointed in accordance with RRS Appendix N. Their decisions will be final and not subject to appeal in accordance with RRS 70.4.
12. Scoring
12.1 The Low Points Scoring System of RRS A4 will apply.
12.2 9 races are scheduled of which 5 must be completed to constitute a valid championship.
12.3 a) When fewer than 6 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.
b) When 6 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
13. Prizes
European Championship Trophy, Class Trophies, prizes for the top 5 boats in the Championships, the first italian
14. Disclaimer of liability
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
15. Insurance
Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance cover while racing of not less than 1.000.000 euro) for the duration of the regatta.
16. Accomodation
On the CVCP website,, and on will be published a list of accommodation available at special prices for the competitors.
17. Logistic
Competitors will be given with one car sticker for the parking, and one trailer sticker for reserved trailer area
Download Notice of Race PDF version here