About ISA
written by Matias Collins on December 1 of 2001 and read by 28798
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Whether you are an Olympic aspirant or a club sailor, you will find yourself welcome wherever you sail. The Class prides itself on the camaraderie between its "pros" and amateurs. If you need help in tuning your boat, organising a campaign, or arranging a regatta, please call upon your ISA Committee to help.
You have entered a One-Design Class whose rules are vigilantly guarded to retain that one-designness. But a reading of the Class Rules (which you should do) demonstrates that there is much room for individualism so that you can develop your rig (and your speed) to your heart's content. The Soling is a challenging boat both in the depth of its competition and in its critical responses to minimal changes in trim. We trust you will be stimulated by these challenges, but remember that all your fellow sailors (including the top ones) will be happy to help if you need it.
On joining you will receive access in the website to check all articles once published at the Tuning Guide (the Soling Manual) that contains a distillation of articles previously published in our quarterly newsletter, Soling Sailing, and new issues of the latter publication as they are produced. You can also check the Soling Guide the Class Rules and other historical information. Please tell us how you would like these publications to serve you - and please contribute material to them whenever you are able.
The Soling Class is an World Sailing (former ISAF International ) Class and was adopted by the WS (former ISAF ) as the only Class to offer Match Racing in the Olympic Regatta from Barcelona 1992 until Sydney 2000. We hope that you will be interested in match racing as well as fleet racing and will take advantage of the many opportunities that the Class offers to any kind of race.
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