Soling Class
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  International Soling Class
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  International Soling Class

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European Championship



will take place at Société Nautique de la Trinité-sur-Mer, La Trinité-sur-Mer, France
From August 28 to September 03, 2010

Organising authority
The organising authority is the International Soling Class (ISA) in conjunction with the Société Nautique de la Trinité-sur-Mer (SNT) and the French Soling Association Française (FSA).

1. Rules
The regatta will be governed by
1.1 The rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2 National prescriptions applying to foreign competitors will be joined in a special appendix “Prescriptions”

1.3 The ISA Championship Rules will apply.
1.4 regulations of the FFVoile
1.5 Amendments to any of the rules applying to the regatta must be approved and signed by the ISA Liaison Officer appointed for the event.

2. Advertising
In accordance with ISAF Regulation 20 (Advertising Code), boats may be required to display the advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.

3. Eligibility and entry
3.1 The regatta is open to all yachts of the International Soling Class as prescribed in Championship Rule 4 – Eligibility.
3.2 ISA Membership is obligatory for all crew members. Membership fees will be collected from any crew member failing to present proof of previously paid membership fee.
3.3 It is also required that all yachts entering display the ISA sticker for the current year. An additional amount will be collected from the helmsman or representative of any yacht not displaying the ISA sticker of the current year at the appropriate position.
3.4 Eligible boats may enter by completing the entry forms on the event website, no later than August 15 of 2010 and completing registration and payment of all fees.
3.5 Competitors (each crew member) living in France shall present during registration:
- The valid and signed FFVoile’s licence with health certificate and a parents’ permission for the minors,
- A valid authorization to display advertising on boat, if necessary

4. Fees
The entry fee will be € 395 and may be paid by cash, internationally recognized debit card, or credit card (VISA, Mastercard), cheque or by bank transfer. The entry fee includes one boat launching and one removal by crane except in emergency situation, trailer storage, vehicle parking, mooring, and two or more event meals. It also includes the ISA Championship Fee of € 75.
For bank transfers:
Credit Maritime Auray:
6, rue du Père Eternel – 56400 AURAY – FRANCE
Tel: (33) (o)2 97 56 20 14
Account No: 17 189 40510 00700275630 04
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): FR76 1718 9405 1000 7002 7563 004

5. Registration
The Race Office at SNT will be open for registration on August 28 and 29 between 0900hs and 1730hs each day.
Téléphone : +33 (0)2 97 55 73 48
fax : +33 (0)2 97 55 85 78
e-mail :
address : BP 19
Cours des Quais

6. Schedule
6.1 Measurement and inspection will take place at SNT on 28 and 29 August, 2010 starting on 0900hs each day.
6.2 Racing is scheduled as follows:
Date Races
30 Aug 2010 2
31 Aug 2010 2
` 01 Sept 2010 2
02 Sept 2010 2
03 Sept 2010 1
6.3 The first warning signal each day will be at 11:00hs.
6.4 On the last day of the regatta no warning signal will be made after 1730hs.

7. Measurement
Yachts will be measured in accordance with ISA Championship Rule 7.0 Measuring and Class Rules 16 and 17. For a yacht to be eligible to race, her valid (the original or a copy of the original) Measurement Form shall be presented at the Race Office, and the helmsman must have satisfied all measurement and registration requirements as specified in this Notice of Race including the submission (at the completion of measurement) of properly completed measurement work sheets.

8. Sailing instructions
Sailing Instructions will be available at registration.

9. Course area
A chart showing the course area is attached.

10. The courses
Standard ISA Championship course will be used.

11. Penalty system
An International Jury will be appointed in accordance with RRS Appendix N. Their decisions will be final and not subject to appeal in accordance with RRS 70. 5.

12. Scoring
12.1 9 races are scheduled of which 5 must be completed to constitute a valid championship.
12.2 a) When fewer than 6 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.
b) When 6 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.

13. Spare item

14. Prizes
- The European Championship Perpetual Trophy - donated by the Royal Danish Yacht Club “with the intention of bringing together as many competitors of various nationalities as possible for yacht racing in a friendly spirit”.
- The Royal Yacht Club of Sweden has also donated a trophy for the European Champion.
- The British Soling Association Trophy - donated by the British Soling Association and awarded to the best-placed helmsman aged 25 years or under on the first scheduled day of racing.
- Rien Segaar Trophy – donated by the Segaar Family (NED) with the intention to award those in the middle fleet who makes the best effort to improve their country scores. Awarded to the last of the best, the third team of a country which the aggregate final scores of the three best are lower than the other countries see Deed of gift at the championship rules:
- Reloaded Trophy – donated by the ASF (Norway) with the intention to bring as many women into the Soling competition - awarded to the best-placed woman in the event.
- The host will present prizes to be awarded to the first 5 boats overall and individual prizes for the winner of each race.

15. Disclaimer of liability
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk, See Rule 4 Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.

16. Insurance
Each participating boat shall have adequate insurance cover specifically including third party liability cover while racing of at least €1.500.000 or the equivalent in the currency of the country of registration of the boat, for the duration of the regatta.
To keep this amount sailors must be able to aquire a policy at the event(Licence FFVoile) and or upgrade their own insurance policy(8€). at the Société Nautique de la Trinité.(8€).

17. Dockage (Mooring)
Berths have been reserved for the event from 26th August 2010 to 5th September 2010. Berths within that period are included in the Entry Fee. Each boat shall be allocated to specific berth.

For any further information, please contact:
• , + 54 11 14732 3735, + 54 9 11 62646168
• Mail adress FSA


Racing area


FFVoile Prescriptions to RRS 2009 – 2012 Applying to foreign competitors

RRS 70. 5 (*) :
In such circumstances, the written approval of the FFVoile shall be received before publishing the notice of race and shall be posted on the official notice board during the competition.

RCV 86.3 (*) :
An organizing authority wishing to change a rule listed in RRS 86.1 in order to develop or test new rules shall beforehand submit the changes to the FFVoile, in order to obtain its written approval and shall report the results to FFVoile after the regatta. The authorization of the FFVoile shall be mentioned in the notice of race, in the sailing instructions, and shall be posted on the official notice board during the regatta.

RRS 88 (*):
Prescriptions of the FFVoile shall be neither changed nor deleted in the sailing instructions, except for competitions for which an international jury has been appointed.
In such case, the prescriptions marked with an asterisk (*) shall be neither changed nor deleted in the sailing instructions. (The official translation of the prescriptions, downloadable on the FFVoile website, shall be the only translation used to comply with RRS 90.2(b)).

RRS 91 (*) :
The appointment of an international jury meeting the requirements of Appendix N is subject to prior written approval of the FFVoile. Such notice of approval shall be posted on the official notice board during the event.
The whole Jury will be approved by both ISA and FFVoile

