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NA Champs

SA Champs

Zipfer Trophy

Frienship Cup - League - Madrid

German Open - Leipzig


Pay attention paying your 2025 membership dues

Dear Soling sailor, pay attention paying your 2025 membership dues, note a new bank account has been set, the ISA on respects to funds now have a non-profit legal status, fees remains the same as 2024.
Request the information to the ISA office and or your National Soling Association.
Best winds,


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North American Championship cancelled

written by sailor  Unkown  on  March 12  of  2020 and read by 1507

Random Name

Sailing at the 2017 Worlds in Muiden, Netherlands
@ Sander van der Borch

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This message is being sent to those currently registered for the 2020 Soling North Americans and those who have indicated a plan to participate. This will also be posted on the ISA website.

The Chesapeake Soling Fleet and Severn Sailing Association (“SSA”) have cancelled the 2020 Soling North Americans planned for April 22 thru 26 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As stated previously, the SSA Board of Governors has approved rescheduling the event from October 21 thru October 25, 2020. The Soling Chesapeake Fleet will submit a request for approval of a revised schedule to the ISA Championship Committee shortly.

On behalf of the Chesapeake Soling Fleet, all best wishes and be safe,

Henry Thomas
+1 609-273-3723

Dear Soling Sailors:

We hope you and yours are safe and sound. This message is being sent to all those currently registered for the 2020 Soling North Americans and those who have indicated a plan to participate. ISA website postings will follow later.

This is to update you on planning for the 2020 Soling NAs which is scheduled for 4/22-26 at SSA in Annapolis.

In anticipation of a possible cancellation or postponement due to the pandemic, the Chesapeake Soling Fleet has requested permission and the SSA BoG has approved moving the event to October 21-25 if necessary, and SSA will reserve the time and the RC resources required for those dates.

We will submit a request for approval of a revised schedule from the ISA Championship Committee shortly.

In the meantime, we suggest that you do not make any further financial commitments (airfares, reservations, etc.) for the upcoming events, and that you seek refunds when possible. Otherwise, take care of your more important business. We plan to give you further updates no later than Monday, March 16.

We have had discussions with the organizers of the 2020 Soling Worlds in Milwaukee and hope to make decisions about scheduling that will be best for all of the participants. Please contact me, Henry Thomas (email or phone +1 609-273-3723), with questions and if you have any advice or opinions about any of these matters.

On behalf of the Chesapeake Soling Fleet all best wishes and be safe,
Henry Thomas
+1 609-273-3723
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NA Champs
Soling book
Friendship league - Madrid
German Open

Soling book
