Soling Class
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  International Soling Class
Soling ClassSoling Class
  International Soling Class

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NA Champs

SA Champs

Zipfer Trophy

Frienship Cup - League - Madrid

German Open - Leipzig


Pay attention paying your 2025 membership dues

Dear Soling sailor, pay attention paying your 2025 membership dues, note a new bank account has been set, the ISA on respects to funds now have a non-profit legal status, fees remains the same as 2024.
Request the information to the ISA office and or your National Soling Association.
Best winds,


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Class Rule Changes

written by Matias Collins  on  February 25  of  2020 and read by 1622

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Carbon now allowed at the rig, but respecting other parts of the original rule.

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Dear Soling Sailors
World Sailing just approved and made effective on March 1st of 2020 the Class Rule changes requested by the ISA Committee and endorsed by the Annual General Meeting past 2019 annual meetings held in La Baule, France, during the 2019 Soling World Championship, the ones are related to allow carbon composite in other parts of the rig.

These new changes will allow Carbon on Main and Spinnaker boom allowing new technology and providing more options for replacements in case of material failure.
For developers: Carbon is allowed but other specifications remains the same, please carefully check them.
Please duly note the full new rules are posted at:

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NA Champs
Soling book
Friendship league - Madrid
German Open

Soling book
