written by Matias Collins on October 2 of 2021 and read by 1559
With no racing on the second day of the event, teams had no time to be bored, at the morning with AP hoisted, the ISA started its annual meetings, first the AGM and then the ACM, the one at some point had a call for a brake at noon time when everyone thought we would go out for sailing, but it was a false alarm.
After the meetings were adjourned with nice weather and time ahead a quick move from Alberto de Amicis, crew and friends which did an extensive and fast shopping at the super market in Lecco, buying big pieces of rost beef, sausages and veggies +10kg charcoal, which class secretary then started to grill at 0700 pm under the crane of the yacht club. 60 people attended the event, following all covid protocols, the sandwiches of meat with Argentine type made, kept the sailors busy till late, a group ended up celebrating Sigrid's birthday really late in a bar in Mandello.
But for today the start was scheduled at 0830 am some miles South close to Lecco town where the experimented club sailors expected to have some wind, this means all teams where a the yacht club at 0700am for their tow into the race course.
Race officer Roberta Righetti managed to conduct three races in the day, the first one with a soft North wind that HUN 77 with Wossala, Vezer and Wossala lead from the first mark after hitting the left corner, NED 33 with Den Outer, de Lange and Souli which had a great day followed the Hungarian team and in third local team ITA 241 with Puthod, Kostner and Armellini.
After that the wind died and boats all moved to the upwind marks, where later with a South breeze a race were attempted, HUN 1 with Varjas, Kovasci and Meretei were leading ahead NED 33 again followed by USA 853 with Collins, Baumueller and Mueller and just after the leeward mark the wind died and the race committee abandoned the race.
After some waiting (long one) suddenly a Southern breeze filled the lake again, and the racing started again, this time HUN 1 took the lead and didn't left the bullet go away, they were followed by GER 2 with Mack, Haist, Fabry and UKR 1 with Yushko, Pichuguin and Ivansits.
The race committee managed to start a third race where NED 33 lead from the beginning, HUN 1 squezzed into second place at the second downwind taking the west side of the lake, while USA 853 where in the right side,
NED 33 now leads a valid championship, and weather for tomorrow doesn't look promising and start is scheduled for 0930.
The afternoon in great shape, the LNI offered the sailors a typical Polenta Taraño (with some cheese) and Salami.